The practice operates scheduled appointments as follows:
Monday 1000-1300, 1400-1645
Tuesday 1000-1300, 1400-1645
Wednesday 1000-1300, 1400-1645
Thursday 1000-1300, 1400-1645
Friday 1000-1300
The practice operates an appointment service rather than a walk in one. Appointments can be made by contacting the office on 0719648043.
Urgent cases may be seen outside of these hours as required.
If you feel a house call is required, due to a patient being severely unwell or bedridden, please contact the surgery before 11am so that it can be scheduled appropriately.
From 6pm to 8am on weekdays and all day Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, Out of Hours cover is provided by NOWDOC in Carrick on Shannon. To contact them between these hours call 1850400911. Again it is an appointment-based rather than a walk-in service. This is an urgent care service and not intended for routine medical issues.